About DelBene.org

Blessed are you who are able to take out things both old and new from your storeroom. Ever since I heard these words in my sophomore year in high school, this concept has stayed with me and influenced my life. That sentence was a paraphrase of a recollection of Matthew, an early convert into the company of Jesus of Nazareth (Mathew 13:51). I like to think Matthew was recalling a time when he was encouraged to be aware that all of what he knew and had done would be a continual source of empowerment both in his own life and in the lives of those he met.

It is in this spirit – bringing out things old and new – that this “storeroom” has been created. You will find here works that have been and continue to be sources of growth and empowerment for me and many others. All of my past publications, videos and audios are available as gifts to you. Books and booklets are available as PDF downloads; videos are available on my Utube channel; audios are in MP3 format. You will also find PDF downloadable gifts of my new projects and creations of various forms of poetry and reflection.

In this period of my life there is more time for creativity to surface – and what joy this is! My hope is that you will also find insight and invitation for new investigations into wholeness. I welcome your dialogue at dialogue@delbene.org.

For those who wish, you will still be able to purchase both the books and workbooks in bound formats from WipfandStock, the publisher, and the books are now available as ebooks from Amazon.com.